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Kuroshitsuji: Emerald Witch Arc (Season 5) and manga hiatus end both to come in April!


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This article contains plot details and potential spoilers for the Kuroshitsuji manga, and all spoilers for its fourth season, Kuroshitsuji: Public School Arc, are now unmarked. If you have not begun reading the manga/watching the anime or are not up-to-date with the latest chapter/episode, please do refrain from reading or read at your own risk.
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"We look different from everyone else, so if we're together, Smile and Black will become laughing-stocks as well—says Donne."
— Snake to Ciel Phantomhive[1]

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Snake (スネーク, Suneeku) is the footman of the Phantomhive household.[8] He was formerly a first-string member of the Noah's Ark Circus, for which he performed as a snake charmer who specialized in snake dance. Said to be half-snake himself,[9] Snake is capable of understanding snakes and allows them to speak through him. He has dozens of snakes, i.a. Wordsworth, Emily, Goethe, Oscar, Wilde, Webster, Bronte, Donne, Keats, and Jonathan.[8][10]


V8 Snake

Snake in color.

Snake is a lean young man with golden eyes,[11] short white hair with a distinct cowlick that trembles when he is nervous and straightens when he is startled,[12] pale skin interspersed with scales, and a forked tongue.[13][14] He is always accompanied by at least one of his snakes.

As the footman of the Phantomhive household, Snake dresses in a suit with a low vest and a ribbon in lieu of a tie.

Previously, when traveling with the Noah's Ark Circus, Snake wore a high-collared jacket with baggy sleeves that covered his hands; a striped black-and-white shirt under his jacket,[15] which was cinched at the waist and neck with two belts in each location; and thigh-high boots. When venturing from the camp, he would slip on a solid-colored cape.[16]


Snake is a timid, reserved individual who generally only speaks to relay information from his snakes. According to Joker, Snake "an' his friends" are shy.[17] The snakes are playful at times, however, as Snake once flirted with Dagger through Emily, one of his snakes.[18] Snake is self-conscious about the scales on his skin and fears being an object of ridicule for looking different from everyone else.[19]

Snake cares dearly for the other first-string members. Although he did not refer to them as brothers or sisters like they did with one another[20] and did not accompany them on their missions,[21] he appreciates them because they treated him like family despite his appearance.[22][23]

After Snake was taken in by Ciel Phantomhive, he has since then become as loyal and devoted to Ciel as the other Phantomhive servants are,[24] but he still holds out hope that he will be reunited with the other first-string members one day.[25]


Ch50 Snake on display

Snake on display.

Snake was born to Sarah Kemble, an actress, on March 15, 1871.[5] He somehow ended up at a freak show where he was kept on display. Spectators could purchase dead mice to feed to Snake; he would pretend to chew on them and spit them out afterward when no one was around anymore. People were also told that Snake was a "half-human, half-snake freak" born to a human mother and a snake father. His mother died not long after giving birth to him, and his father was one of the large snakes that was showcased too. This, however, is only a fabrication; in reality, Snake does not know anything about his origins or how he came to be part of the freak show.

Snake was eventually rescued by the other first-string members.Joker named him "Snake," whereas Jumbo gave his snakes their names. The circus members were the first people to treat Snake like a person and welcomed him into their family. At some point, Snake became a first-string member as well, performing as a snake charmer.[26][27]


Circus Arc

Snake, along with the other members of the Noah's Ark Circus, parades the streets of London, in order to uplift the spirits of people and garner attention for their circus troupe.[28]

302 Snake dances

Snake dances with his snakes.

At a circus show that Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis attend, Snake is presented by Joker as the snake charmer, and he performs fittingly.[29]

302 Snake warns Sebastian

Snake warns Sebastian.

After being examined by Doctor, and subsequently scouted by Joker, Sebastian exits the first-aid tent. When he goes the wrong way, Snake appears from behind and tells him firmly that he cannot go that way. He then points Sebastian in the right direction, which Sebastian thanks him for.[30]

Ch30 Snake talks

Snake wishes the first-tier members luck on their mission.

Later, after Ciel has been caught by Doll after exiting the first-string members' tents, Doll reprimands Snake for letting his snakes loose; this in an attempt to protect Ciel. Her plan is successful, as Snake apologizes and neither he nor Dagger investigate further.[31] He soon informs Joker, Jumbo and Peter of Sebastian's and Ciel's presence in their tents, albeit after a slight delay, which he does not explain. He is then dismissed while they decide what to do.[32] The next morning, he is left in charge of the next performance by Peter, and he bids Dagger a special farewell from his snake, Emily. He does not go to either Phantomhive or Kelvin Manor, and instead, is left to look after the Noah's Ark Circus.[33]

However, when the first-string members fail to return the following morning, he is asked by the second-string members about their whereabouts, which he cannot answer. He then walks away from the circus with his snakes, commenting on how lonely he is.[34]

Phantomhive Manor Murders Arc

Ch50 Snake bound by ropes

Snake is captured by Sebastian Michaelis, and bound by ropes.

Snake deduces that Ciel has caused the Noah's Ark Circus's first-string members to disappear. He uses his snakes to pursue Ciel's scent; this leads him to Ciel's London townhouse. There, Soma Asman Kadar redirects him to Phantomhive Manor, where Ciel currently is.[35]

At Phantomhive Manor, Snake waits until nighttime in the greenhouse[36] and then unwittingly sends his snakes to murder Patrick Phelps, who, at the time, was sleeping in Ciel's bedroom. Following Patrick's death, Sebastian discovers Snake at the greenhouse. Snake unleashes a torrent of snakes upon Sebastian, but the poison of the snakes cannot kill him.[37]

After easily subduing him, Sebastian keeps Snake bound and gagged in a chained box in the greenhouse for the remainder of the staged murder mystery. Once all the guests have left, Snake is brought to Ciel.[38] Sebastian informs Ciel that Snake is the one responsible for Patrick's death. Snake says that, despite his appearance, the first-string members had treated him like family; he declares that he would not forgive Ciel for taking them away from him. Ciel discloses that he had been sent undercover as a circus member to discover evidence that connected the first-string members to a series of kidnapped children, who had all disappeared when the circus was in town. Snake refuses to believe this at first, but Ciel lies and tells him that before he could find the evidence, he had been discovered and the first-string members vanished shortly afterward. He adds that he had wanted to save the children that were suffering because of the first-string members and that he wanted to save Snake as well.[39]

Subsequently, Ciel removes the ropes on Snake and tells him to come to his mansion; he claims that he is still looking for Joker and the others to clear up the incident; he adds that staying with him would be the quickest way for Snake to see them again. Ciel assures Snake that he knows the first-string members are kind and that they should atone for their crimes; he states that he wants all of them, including Snake, to achieve true happiness. Snake, then, accepts Ciel's offer.[25]

Luxury Liner Arc

At Phantomhive Manor, Sebastian informs Baldroy, Finnian, Mey-Rin, and Tanaka that Snake will join the Phantomhive household as a footman, and tells Snake to introduce himself, which he does. Soon after, Snake works with the other servants, under Sebastian's guidance.[40]

On April 17, 1889, Snake accompanies Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian on the luxury passenger ship Campania, as it is part of his job as a footman to travel with Ciel. When boarding, he is, to his disappointment, separated from his snakes, which have been placed in a box[41] and subsequently transferred to the bottom freight storage.[42]

On the first-class passenger deck, Snake, Ciel, and Sebastian encounter the Midford family. Within the ship, Francis Midford forces Snake and Sebastian to comb their hairs back. Afterward, Snake stands on the side with Sebastian, as Ciel and the Midford family dine.[43]

Three days later,[44] in the first-class passenger lounge, Snake overhears a couple of women making fun of him for his scaly skin. Ciel walks over to him, noticing his discomfort, and Snake states that because he looks different from everyone else and since he is with Ciel, people will laugh at Ciel, too. Ciel asserts that everyone looks different and so it is nothing to be ashamed of and that he is free to associate himself with whoever he wants. Sebastian adds that Snake is now a footman of a distinguished noble family, and thus, he should have some confidence. Not long after, Ciel and Sebastian rush to an Aurora Society meeting, with the former leaving Snake a plate of food to clean up. Snake tastes the food, and is impressed.[45]

Ch56 Throwing Keats

Snake throws his snake to help Ciel Phantomhive.

Afterward, Snake goes to the bottom freight storage, where his snakes are, and shares the food. Ciel later finds him when he inadvertently shines a flashlight on him, and Snake explains why he is there. Elizabeth Midford joins them to offer Ciel cake. However, to their shock, a Bizarre Doll comes up from behind her and consumes her cake. The Bizarre Doll is about to bite her next, but Ciel rescues her in time and orders Snake to take care of Elizabeth. Snake does not respond immediately, distracted by a multitude of coffins; each of them bears an Aurora Society symbol. To bring it to Ciel's attention, he points to the area that contains the coffins, which begin to move.[46]

Soon after, the Bizarre Dolls break out of their coffins,[47] which prompts Snake, Ciel, and Elizabeth to run. With the exit blocked, Ciel seeks an alternative and orders Snake to assist Elizabeth as she climbs to the top of the luggage. Snake boosts her up, while Ciel tries to fend off the approaching Bizarre Dolls with his gun. When a Bizarre Doll gets close to Ciel, Snake uses one of his snakes to restrain it; he has the rest of his snakes hold back other Bizarre Dolls. Subsequently, Snake, who is on top of the luggage as well, helps Ciel up. Afterward, Ciel notes that the Bizarre Dolls cannot climb, while Snake comments that the Bizarre Dolls are immune to his snakes' poison and do not have any intelligence nor any sense of sight or pain. Snake and Ciel further discuss the Bizarre Dolls, and the former throws the plate he is carrying to see if the Bizarre Dolls can perceive sound, only to learn that they cannot.[48]

Snake, Ciel, and Elizabeth are jolted, when the Bizarre Dolls claw at the luggage with their teeth and nails. Snake admits that he cannot employ his snakes to restrain them since there are too many Bizarre Dolls. Then, Sebastian arrives and attacks them; Snake is shocked by how brutal Sebastian is. Once the Bizarre Dolls are all eliminated, Snake, Ciel, and Elizabeth descend from the luggage. Sebastian uncovers where Rian Stoker is hiding; pressured, Rian reveals to them that there are two freight storages on the ship, and the front freight storage has ten times as many Bizarre Dolls as there were where they are.[49]

Ciel sends Sebastian to look after the rest of the Midford family. After Sebastian leaves, Ciel forces Rian to start leading them to his room, where there is a device that, according to Rian, can render the Bizarre Dolls inactive again. As they head toward a freight elevator in the boiler room, Ciel pressures Rian to reveal more secrets regarding the Bizarre Dolls. When they reach the turbine engine room, Snake removes his snake from Rian, as ordered by Ciel, so that they can pretend they are Rian's comrades.[50]

An employee stops them, and Snake, Ciel, Elizabeth, and Rian perform the phoenix pose in order for him to allow them access to the elevator.[51]

While they are in the second boiler room, the Campania crashes into an iceberg, water surges in, and the watertight doors begin to close. Snake and Rian manage to pass through the door in time, but Ciel goes back to rescue Elizabeth. Ciel tells a reluctant Snake to proceed without him and that he and Elizabeth will escape via the duct. He points out that Snake's snakes cannot be soaked in cold water for too long, prompting Snake to toss Keats up and inform Ciel that the snake will guide Ciel through the duct. They promise to meet up with each other later.[52]

Later, in the third boiler room, Snake sees, to his shock, Rian escaping by an elevator.[53] Eventually, Snake reunites with Ciel, Sebastian, and Elizabeth. After he informs them about Rian's escape, they make the decision to meet up with the Midford family for the time being.[54]

Ch65 On the lifeboat

Snake on a lifeboat after the Campania sinks.

At the first-class deck, Ciel asks Edward to allow Snake on a lifeboat in his place, to Snake's and Elizabeth's astonishment. When Ciel explains that he has some unfinished business to attend to, Edward agrees to do as requested, and Ciel leaves Snake and Elizabeth in his hands.[55]

Snake, Edward, and Elizabeth are on a lifeboat by the time the ship heavily tilts[56] and breaks in two.[57] When they and the other passengers hear voices, Edward tells the person manning the lifeboat to turn the boat around in case there are survivors, but the person refuses to. Snake and Edward worry for the well-being of Ciel.[58] A rescue ships comes at dawn, and they return to London.[59]

On Easter Day, at Phantomhive Manor, Snake celebrates the holiday with Ciel, Sebastian, Elizabeth, Edward, Soma, Agni, Baldroy, Finnian, Tanaka, and Mey-Rin, and Nina Hopkins.[60]

Elizabeth arranges the Easter Egg Hunt, an event in which all parties must vie to obtain her hidden egg. After Charles Grey and Charles Phipps announce their intent to take part in the competition, Sebastian establishes the rules of the game and has the participants divide into teams of two. Snake and Finnian are paired together; Snake is convinced that it will be an easy win with his snakes' sense of smell.[61]

Ch66 Egg Hunt Pairs

Egg hunt pairs.

Ch66 Effect on Snake

The snake-charming flute's effect on Snake.

The game begins, and all the teams disperse.[62] Outside the manor, Snake points Finnian to where the smell of eggs is coming from. As Finnian dashes off, Snake sense the presence of Grey, who tells him he thinks it is more efficient if he simply steals the eggs others already found. Snake, determined not to give Grey the eggs, sends a legion of snakes in Grey's direction. While Grey is greatly repulsed by the snakes, Snake tries to take his egg but is thrown off balance by Phipps, who is playing a snake-charming flute. Not long after, Finnian, carrying a multitude of eggs, finds a dizzy Snake having collapsed on the ground and their broken egg. Due to the state of said egg, they are disqualified.[63]

After the hunt—Ciel is the victor—Snake and the other participants gather for a feast outdoors.[64]

Public School Arc

Ch84 Snake and Finny

Snake and Finnian working together.

Snake remains at Phantomhive Manor while the rest of the Phantomhive household heads to Weston College to watch Ciel compete in the cricket tournament.[65]

Not long afterward, Ciel and Sebastian return to the manor. Snake, along with his fellow servants, welcomes them back whilst they try to control Old Man Sam's sheep when his fences broke. One of the sheep runs away towards the herb patch; Snake and Finnian run after to stop it.[66] Snake uses vile language through his snakes to insult the sheep.[67] Ciel suddenly laughs and tells Sebastian to handle the situation.

Sometime later, Snake and the rest of the Phantomhive household set out to London to purchase a new pair of glasses for Mey-Rin and a straw hat for Finnian. Along the way, Baldroy recognizes the big clock as Big Ben.[68] After Mey-Rin and Finnian receive their respective things, Ciel questions Baldroy and Snake whether they like anything. For a second the two glance at each other. Soon, Snake leaves a shop with a large bag. He states that with this bag, his snakes will always be with him whenever he goes out.[69] He also witnesses the large crowd of women as they enter the Funtom Corporation's store, in hopes of buying the newly advertised Lily of the Valley perfume. Suddenly, a scream shatters the air, and Sebastian leaves Ciel in Baldroy's care. Later, a crowd of people rushes to buy the perfume, surprising everyone.[70]

Emerald Witch Arc

All five members of the household accompany Ciel and Sebastian to Germany. Standing in the village square, Baldroy complains that his butt hurts since they have been sitting for so long. Shocked, Mey-Rin replies that he's being indecent. Snake hears Finnian speaking German, and he questions him about it. Finnian replies he can speak a little.[71] Sebastian instructs them to load the luggage in the second carriage. Then they all proceed into the Werewolves' Forest.

The group suddenly sees a village in the forest, and everyone disembarks from the carriages. [72] Baldroy and Finnian both call out to see if anyone is there. [73] They are all then unexpectedly surrounded by angry villagers who are waving their pitchforks at the group. Once the situation is resolved, they head with Sieglinde Sullivan to the Emerald Castle.

When they arrive at the manor, everyone is amazed at its magnificence. Inside, Sieglinde tells Wolfram Gelzer to show the servants to their quarters.[74] Later, although they all offer to help, Sebastian tells them to rest after their long journey.

The group is untied after Ciel's attack. Finnian is holding his hand, and Snake is by his bedside. Baldroy states that he almost lost a few years there, and Tanaka agrees with him.[75] Sebastian reaches his hand out to Ciel when Ciel unexpectedly knocks it away.[76] Ciel then grabs hold of Finnian, surprising everyone. He says "Ciel does not want pain anymore"; this confuses everyone even more. When Sebastian tries again, Tanaka stops him. Ciel suddenly starts screaming about the lights being too dim. Everyone feels that his eyesight may have been affected by the attack as well.

After they have left the room, Mey-Rin starts crying about his condition. Baldroy tells her to stop, saying it is bad luck. Tanaka asks Sebastian what they should do. Sebastian sorrowfully states he does not know since he cannot go near Ciel. Nevertheless, he excuses himself in order to do something.[77]

In the morning, Sebastian greets all of the servants.[78] Snake will polish the silverware.[79] Sebastian continues to take care of Sieglinde. Meanwhile, the servants discuss the situation in the kitchen. Snake and Baldroy comment that Sebastian really does not care about Ciel; he should only be thinking of him. Nevertheless, Mey-Rin has faith in Sebastian—she responds that he must have his own plan.[80] Tanaka sips tea and adds that it is a butler's duty to return his master to his perfect condition.[81]

Later on, Sieglinde addresses the rest of the Phantomhive household. She tells them that Ciel's eyes are fine; the condition was mostly psychological.[82] All of them are extremely relieved. Baldroy immediately suggests that they head back to Phantomhive Manor as soon as Ciel has recovered as he will feel more secure at home, and states that he will cook him some meat to help him build up strength. Finnian wants to make snacks, and Snake wants to make scones all for Ciel. Sebastian sighs and asks them not to increase the workload.[83]

Afterward, Sebastian asks Snake to help him with something. They go into the underground section; however, instead of heading towards the cellar, Sebastian goes in the opposite direction. There he finds a secret door, surprising Snake. They both wonder where it leads to, but before they can investigate further, Wolfram discovers them. Sebastian easily smoothes over the situation, and he leaves with Snake. Wolfram again orders them to leave.[84]

After Ciel was attacked by a werewolf, Snake and the others struggle to get Ciel to untangle from the baldachin and back to sleep while Ciel protests and screams that he just wants to go home.[85] They eventually succeed though and, afterward, Snake, Sebastian, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, and Tanaka discuss how they can help Ciel. Sebastian suggests shocking him some more, but Tanaka is against this. Tanaka states it would be best to watch over Ciel until he gets better. Baldroy adds that this is the reason that he does not like the occult. Sebastian agrees to not try anything strange-just to sit and wait. [86]

Later on, Snake rushes to tell Sebastian a "big scoop";[87] Oscar came back from the underground area. Sebastian asks him what Oscar discovered. Snake tells him along with the rest of the household that there are werewolves in the castle's basement as well as something else. Baldroy questions Snake about what this "something else," but he is unable to explain further. They believe Sieglinde is in league with the werewolves; however, Mey-Rin states her concern and worry for Ciel was not false. Snake adds that there is a magical charm on the door that forbids intruders' entry. Mey-Rin asks Sebastian how he will proceed. He tells them he's going underground to see for himself. If Wolfram returns, he instructs them to distract him until he returns.[88]

When Wolfram and the other maids return, the servants pretend to be very busy. Snake is preparing the scone dough, and Mey-Rin and Baldroy try to engage Wolfram in conversation, but they cannot since they do not speak German. Suddenly, one of Snake's snakes wraps itself around one of the maids and is poised to strike. As she screams, Sebastian effortlessly grabs it and returns it to Snake, surprising the Germans. After the excitement dies down and the main household is once again alone, Snake states that Oscar has another "scoop" to report—the maid smells just like one of the werewolves.[89]

Suddenly Snake and Sebastian hear a noise and rush outside. The Queen's master of the horse, John Brown, has come to deliver a letter to them.[90] Although they are surprised to see him, Sebastian accepts the letter on Ciel's behalf. He informs John that Ciel is not well. John, nevertheless, says he needs an immediate answer; therefore, he allows Sebastian to read the letter's contents. After Sebastian reads it, he is shocked, but he sends John off with a response at once. Sebastian tells Snake they now have to "pick up the pace."[91]

All the servants are reunited when Ciel lets them into his room after he returns to normal. Sebastian opens the door, and all of the servants tumble in. Sebastian remarks that they are really rude for listening at their master's door. All of them, Sebastian included, then line up by Ciel's bedside. Ciel speaks—because of his carelessness, they all suffered and worried. He asks them to forgive him. Although they are surprised, he adds determinedly that they will never see him in such a sorry state again. He finally asks that they continue to serve him. They all respond with "Yes, My Lord."[92]

After a few minutes of the servants' light banter, Ciel also makes another request—he wants them to forget how he was until now. Mey-Rin deduces that Ciel also recalls his off-the-charts behavior. Ciel adds that he did not want to behave like that. Baldroy concludes that Ciel reacted the same way as soldiers. On the battlefield, when they are wounded for the first time, they panic. Sebastian wonders if the attack's aim was purely psychological. When Ciel asks him to explain, Sebastian relates the news about the Queen's letter. He also had the components of the antidote analyzed. When Ciel reads the Queen's letter, everything starts to fall into place. However, he's incredibly annoyed with the Queen's final request—she wants the "little witch to come to tea."[93]

Ciel knows this request will not be easy to accomplish. Sebastian adds that even the Queen's selfishness is incomparable to Ciel's. Finally, Ciel tells the entire household to make preparations to leave—further instructions will come later.[94]

The entire Phantomhive household is hiding and waiting in the forest. Mey-Rin whispers that it is starting to get noisy. A flare suddenly lights up the night sky. Baldroy yells it is about time. He adds their boss is calling them, and they all head out.[95]

In the forest, the household is trying to find Ciel. Snake states Goethe smells Smile over there. Mey-Rin takes off her glasses, confirming that it is Ciel. When they reach him, he states their retreat plan starts now. They will split into two groups and escape.[96] Snake tells Baldroy he can feel them coming. Baldroy asks how he can tell—Snake responds through Wordsworth that his snakes can feel vibrations with their skin.[97]

As they start running, Snake releases his snake onto their pursuers. Baldroy states that he had a bad experience with Snakes in Arizona; they will not be able to escape. As they verbally counter in German, he fires bullets back at them, yelling he cannot understand what they're saying. Baldroy tells Snake to go on ahead and not to drop the "Lady."[98]

Snake and Baldroy are unable to come to Ciel's aide when he is attacked by Wolfram. When Wolfram is about to deliver the final blow, Diedrich saves Ciel.[99] Although Ciel is surprised to see him, Diedrich quickly defeats Wolfram. He tells the three of them to hurry up and run—this forest has more dangers than these "villagers." Since the German army is here, they are not safe at all. Unexpectedly, a Panzer—the latest model of an armored land vehicle—appears, shocking Ciel, Baldroy, and Snake.[100] As they start running, Ciel exclaims that he cannot believe the Germans have such advanced weaponry. Baldroy tries shooting it, but he cannot put a scratch on it. Diedrich tells them if they can get to a train they can escape.[101]

Suddenly, Ciel falls, still weak from his injuries. At the same time, the Panzer's cannon fires. Diedrich, Baldroy, and Snake look on in horror as they are unable to rescue Ciel. Luckily, Sebastian arrives just in time to save him. Ciel immediately scolds him for being late. Sebastian apologizes and states that he has all the gas' samples. Ciel tells Baldroy and Snake to help the others get to the train; he also hands the case to Snake. Finally, he states he and Sebastian will take care of the Panzer.[102]

In an underground passageway, Baldroy, Snake, and Diedrich arrive at a door; Snake tells them to wait—six to seven people are on the other side. Baldroy hands the case to Snake and enters the room with Diedrich. Snake waits tensely until Baldroy comes to get him.[103]

Diedrich orders Baldroy and Snake to put coal in the furnace. Finnian, carrying Sieglinde and Tanaka, also arrives alongside Mey-Rin. Snake receives Keats, who showed the group the way. Baldroy tells Snake and Mey-Rin to check the oil; he also tells Finnian to open the gate.[104]

Once the train starts, Baldroy tells Finnian to get on. Suddenly, Wolfram arrives. The group panics when they think that he's going to attack them. However, he shoots a soldier who was going to attack Sieglinde. At the same time, Wolfram is shot by the female German officer, who yells that he betrayed them. She next aims for the group. Before she can kill them, Sebastian and Ciel arrive just in time to save them. Plunging his knife into her throat, Sebastian states some food escaped from the oven.[105]

The entire group then arrives at Diedrich's castle. Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin comment on how big the house is. However, Heinrich, Diedrich's butler, says this castle, Weizsäcker, is small compared to the other castles. Ciel looks at Diedrich and comments that he is a rich boy. The wounded are all treated; Mey-Rin and Tanaka offer to help since they are not injured.[106]

Later, they return to London; while Ciel, Sebastian, Wolfram, and Sieglinde go to Hopkins' Tailor Shop, Snake and the other servants go on ahead to the Phantomhive townhouse.[107][108]

Blue Cult Arc

Months later, at Phantomhive Manor, Sebastian gathers Snake, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Finnian, and Tanaka, and gives each of them instructions, save Tanaka, who is told to remain as is, for the upcoming Halloween celebration. Baldroy, Mey-Rin, and Tanaka share details on the American, Chinese, and Japanese Halloween traditions, respectively, which inspires Sebastian.[109]

On Halloween, Snake and the other servants, dressed in costumes, greet Ciel, when the latter arrives. Snake, then, mingles with the tenants of Phantomhive land, whom the celebration, which features a combination of various Halloweens from around the world, is primarily dedicated to.[110] Later, Snake and the others set lanterns afloat into a river to end the night.[111]

At Phantomhive Manor, Snake, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy greet who they recognize as Ciel, while Finnian has reservations.[112]

Sometime later, Ciel and Sebastian enter the manor, where the servants greet Ciel. Ciel is confused when Baldroy asks him why he went out "again" in the rain.[113]

At that moment, "Ciel" descends the stairs, to their collective shock. He scolds a dismayed Ciel for getting drenched and assures him that he will never leave his side again and that he has come home. When Finnian states that it is impossible for there to be two Ciels, "Ciel" asserts that he is real. Finnian adds that he knew something was wrong when "Ciel" came home and calls him an impostor. Amused, "Ciel" declares that the head of the Phantomhive house, Ciel Phantomhive, is actually he.[114]

Blue Memory Arc

To Snake's and the other servants' disbelief, Sebastian confirms that "Ciel" is the real Ciel Phantomhive. Tanaka soon confirms the same thing and tells them that, fifteen years ago, Rachel Phantomhive gave birth to twins. Pressured by "Ciel" to explain why he deceived them, Ciel calls himself "Ciel's" spare.[115]

Snake listens to the conversation between Ciel, Sebastian, "Ciel", and Undertaker,[116] which is interrupted by Grelle Sutcliff and Othello, whose intention is to capture Undertaker.[117] The fight between Grelle, Undertaker, and Sebastian is interrupted by the arrival of Fred Abberline and his Scotland Yard officers, Alexis Leon Midford, and Edward Midford. Elizabeth Midford steps out to corroborate "Ciel"'s account that Ciel is the impostor.[118]

Blood vials are seized; Blavat Sky identifies Ciel as Lord Sirius, the mastermind behind the Sphere Music Hall serial murders; and Ciel, Sebastian, and Blavat are arrested by Scotland Yard. Finnian defends Ciel but is stopped by Baldroy, who asks Sebastian about their wages, to Snake's dismay. Sebastian tells the servants to collect their pay later.[119]

Snake and the other servants, bar Tanaka, leave the manor and work in conjunction to derail the police carriage containing Ciel, Sebastian, and Blavat. Afterward, they reunite with Sebastian and Ciel on a wagon, in effect picking up their "wages."[120][121]

Now as fugitives, the Phantomhive household visits the Funtom Corporation headquarters in hopes of taking refuge there, but it is being monitored by Scotland Yard. After an officer finds them in an alley nearby, they dash to Pitt's Lark Photographic Studio, where Pitt helps them escape through the sewers. Scotland Yard pursues them.[122]

Lau and Ran-Mao rescue the Phantomhive household and escort them to one of the former's opium dens. Snake is nauseated by the smell of opium, and Lau says that such provides his customers with "sweet dreams." After the Phantomhive household is accommodated, they discuss the situation and how to proceed.[123]

Blue Revenge Arc

After information is gathered and parsed, with four locations flagged as potential sources of blood for "Ciel", the group is divided into pairs: Snake and Finnian must investigate a newly established orphanage in Norfolk and dismantle any operations that harvest blood.[124]

Ch170 Flowers

Snake and the others disguised as "flowers" on a boat.

Ciel, Sebastian, and Lau determine that they must leave London posthaste, as Scotland Yard will soon be at their heels. The group ventures by boat through the River Thames, with the Phantomhive household wearing hair ornaments. When the Scotland Yard's Thames Division demands to see Lau and Ran-Mao's cargo, Lau states that he is delivering "flowers," or girls, to his clients, and bribes them. After the officers permit them to pass, the group arrives at the Reading Railway Station and divides, with Snake and Finnian boarding a train together.[125]

After arriving in Norfolk, Snake and Finnian head to F.O.L. Orphanage. There, Snake sends his snakes to scout the area before he and Finnian knock on the door. Because one of the children in the advanced class was fostered out, the staff allows them to take the test.[126] Snake and Finnian are led to a drawing room but before they receive the test sheets, the staff collects blood samples from them, apparently to protect the health of the students.

Snake and Finnian are given the tests afterward. However, before they have even finished reading through the questions, a maid returns, saying that their blood tests showed "inappropriate results" because their "aptitude is lacking." The staff is just about to throw out Snake and Finnian despite Snake's protests when Doll surprisingly arrives, holding Wordsworth who she caught in the courtyard. Overjoyed by her sight, Snake hugs her. When he has calmed down a little, he introduces Doll to Finnian as one of the Noah's Ark Circus members.[127]

Because Doll does not want Snake to leave, she persuades the chief to allow him and Finnian to stay as menial workers. After the chief relents, Doll shows Finnian and Snake around the orphanage and explains the four classes—Pomeranian, Collie, Corgi, and Mastiff—to them. She then takes them to a small kitchen where she prepares tea and tells them what happened to her after she left the circus: The night the other first-tier members vanished, she was sent to Kelvin Manor to deliver something[128] but someone burned the manor down. As the circus could not survive without Joker and the others, it was closed, and Doll wandered around until she ended up at F.O.L. Orphanage where she became a menial worker.

When she is done telling her story, Doll asks for Snake's. However, because the Phantomhive household is wanted by the police, he and his snakes are conflicted about whether they can and should say anything, even if Doll is family; Finnian also signals him to refrain from saying anything. Luckily, the staff then hurries into the kitchen because the Pomeranian's program for the afternoon tea was changed last minute. Snake cannot understand the fuss though, as the plan was only changed from lemon drizzle cake to lemon tart which are both lemon-flavored treats. His remark angers Doll,[129] and Snake apologizes to her.

Having readily forgiven him, Doll decides to resume the tour and brings Snake and Finnian to the stables. There, they encounter Susan who is trying to get Ginny to take her riding lesson. Doll tries to persuade her too, but when neither her nor Susan's attempts are fruitful, Theodore arrives and swiftly solves the problem. After Ginny leaves for her lesson and Theodore returns to his class, Doll wants to take Snake and Finnian to the Collie class next, though the plan is changed when she suddenly collapses. She asks Susan to escort Finnian and Snake to the Collies and goes inside the stables, leaving behind a concerned and perplexed Snake.[130]

In the Collie classroom, Snake and Finnian watch the students prepare a light meal, and Artie returns a wayward student, Daniel, to the room. Then, the chief arrives to speak to Susan, and it is announced that Ginny has reached her "fledging day." Oddly, although everyone else is ecstatic, Oliver and Artie are not.[131]

Thereafter, Susan asks Snake and Finnian to help out in the kitchen for Ginny's banquet which will be held today in the evening. At the banquet, Snake and Finnian set up and help distribute the food. Because Theodore and Mabel are sad to see Ginny leave as everyone at the orphanage is one "family," Snake comforts them by saying that he too was distraught when the circus fell apart, but he knows that he will see them again by not losing hope and staying alive—just like he could find Doll again. The party then begins.

After a busy day, Snake and Finnian go to bed.[132] The next day, they attend Ginny's "fledging ceremony" and are stunned by the ceremonial haircut.[133] When Ginny is sent off to her new home, the festivity ends, and Snake and Finnian help put away the decorations. Because Finnian is so absent-minded, Snake has to intervene when he begins pulling out trees instead of poles.[134]

That night, Snake follows Finnian and the elder students to the stables,[135] as he noticed Finnian's odd behavior during the day and instructed his snakes to watch him; they then brought him here. Finnian explains to Snake that the "fledged" students never leave the orphanage; instead, they are returned to the stables in the dead of night. Snake then calls all his snakes and sends them to search the building.

When one of the snakes, Jonathan, finds something, the elder students go to look. After they are gone, Snake asks Finnian why he did not entrust him with that information earlier. Finnian replies that Doll's association with the orphanage might mean that she is involved in their crimes as well, and he wanted to spare him from the heartbreak this knowledge and revelation would cause.[136] They are interrupted when Mabel calls them to come with the light.

Jonathan reveals that he discovered a hidden entrance that leads to a secret facility beneath the stables. There, they do not only find Ginny's fledging garment but Ginny herself, though unresponsive and locked in a jar.

A moment later, the chief, Susan, and another teacher enter the room to inspect the status of the "packing" and determine the next "fledging": Theodore.[137] They continue to discuss what they have been doing and why—the students are separated into classes and trained as they are in the hope of making their "radiance" more suitable to the "stars"—before they leave to bring Canopus her "radiance."

The elder students are horrified by what they have learned, and Theodore suggests taking some of the jars containing organs with them to give them to newspapers as proof of the orphanage's misdoings. Everyone agrees and grabs a few jars before Snake and his snakes guide them through the underground passages. On the way to the exit, they stumble over a lit room; inside, they find Doll receiving a blood transfusion from the chief and Susan.[138] Theodore then exposes Doll as Canopus, one of the "stars," which prompts the chief to pull out a gun and shoot at the students. Finnian can save them and orders them to run.

Mabel, Artie, Theodore, and Oliver hurry into the corridor but Doll jumps over their heads and blocks the way. Snake cannot believe what is happening and when he asks Doll if she is one of the "stars," she apologizes for having lied to him. She adds that she never wanted him to know that she has become a monster and reveals that Ciel and Sebastian killed her at Kelvin Manor that night while Mey-Rin, Tanaka, Baldroy, and Finnian slaughtered the other circus members. Doll then asks him to join her to take revenge on the Phantomhives for murdering their family.[139]

Snake asks Finnian if he really killed Jumbo. Finnian affirms and proceeds to tell him about the circus members' crimes: They were kidnapping children and allowing them to be maltreated, and the night he killed Jumbo, he and others invaded Phantomhive Manor to try to murder Ciel. All the new knowledge overwhelms Snake and he does not know who to trust and side with.

Meanwhile, the chief and Susan join them in the passageway and attack the students, though they are quickly bested by them. When Theodore boasts that they, the students, were victorious against the teachers because of the "aptitude" they "reared so carefully," Doll scoffs. Saying that they are only "imitations" that can "never surpass the real thing," she lunges to slit Mabel's throat—but Snake rushes to save her, and Doll cuts Snake's throat instead.

With his last strength, Snake insists that Doll would never do "something like that" before he collapses, bleeding heavily.[140] Doll immediately drops her glass shard and hurries to Snake. She tries to stop the bleeding by pressing her hands on the wound, in vain. Snake can only wheeze weakly and cry silently in pain as his blood seeps out of him.

With everyone distracted, the chief tries to get rid of Mabel and the others, but Artie swiftly shoots and kills the chief and Susan. Not long afterward, the elder students hear footsteps, likely from approaching staff members. They decide to flee, and while Finnian contemplates killing Doll and getting Snake, Theodore makes him understand that he has no time and that at least one of them has to make it out.

Apologizing to his friend and leaving him behind with Doll, Finnian escapes with the elder students.[141] While Snake lies in Doll's arms bleeding, he wonders Snake wonders how things could turn out as they did and why Doll or Ciel helped him and his snakes out if they supposedly only "tricked" him. He also thinks about his two families—Noah's Ark Circus and the Phantomhive household—and recalls his past.[142]

Wondering why the Phantomhive household and the circus even bothered to help him and why they lied to him, Snake dies of extensive hemorrhaging on December 9, 1889. A Grim Reaper reviews his Cinematic Record and collects his soul with no "additional remarks."[143]


  • (To Ciel Phantomhive) "We look different from everyone else, so if we're together, Smile and Black will become laughing-stocks as well—says Donne."[144]


Ch52 Donne
  • When Snake boarded the Campaniahis snakes were placed in a large box because they were not allowed to roam free, upsetting him. He managed to keep a very tiny snake named Donne with him, however, who accompanied him and sat at the top of his ear.[145]
  • Since first meeting Ciel in the Noah's Ark Circus, Snake has continued to refer to Ciel as "Smile," the stage name given to Ciel by Joker when he was first recruited as a performer.[146]
  • A snake charming flute has been shown to have some effect on Snake. The flute can make him dizzy and induce him to faint.[147]
  • Snake speaks by himself for the very first time without the use of his snakes when he calls for Ciel, thinking Ciel is going to get shot.[148] Following a recent distressful revelation, Snake has been talking without his snakes.[149][150][151]

Out of Universe

Ch52 Snake without scales

Snake without his scales.

  • Snake's mother was an actress named Sarah Kemble.[5] It is likely that she was either part of the Kemble family, an acting dynasty that "reigned over the English stage for many decades," or named after one of its most famous members, Sarah Siddons (née Kemble, 1755-1831).[157]

  • Each snake that Snake voices has a distinct accent and tone, reflecting the character Snake associates it with.[158]

  • Snake is portrayed by Yuki Tamaki in Noah's Ark Circus and by Motohisa Harashima in Tango on the Campania.

  • References

    1. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, page 10
    2. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 196, page 12
    3. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 24, page 22
    4. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 208, pages 6-9
    5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 209, page 13
    6. Yana Toboso on Twitter
      "Snake: 18~20 years old"
      (translated and summarized by akumadeenglish)
    7. "Black Butler Gets 'Book of Murder' Arc Video Anime" — Anime News Network
    8. 8.0 8.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 51, page 7
    9. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 24, page 22
    10. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 202, page 10
    11. File:New Year 2013 - 1.png
    12. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 51, page 6
    13. Kuroshitsuji Character Guide; page 131
    14. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 208, page 7
    15. Kuroshitsuji manga; Volume 8 cover
    16. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, pages 12-13
    17. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 26, page 6
    18. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 30, pages 14-15
    19. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, pages 9-10
    20. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 28, page 20
    21. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 36, pages 3-4
    22. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, page 17
    23. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 28, pages 4-5
    24. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 145, page 23
    25. 25.0 25.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, pages 20-24
    26. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 208, pages 5-17
    27. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, page 17
    28. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 22, pages 33-34
    29. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 24, page 22
    30. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 25, pages 23-24
    31. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 28, pages 4-5
    32. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 28, pages 20-21
    33. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 30, pages 14-15
    34. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 36, pages 3-4
    35. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, pages 13-14
    36. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, pages 15-16
    37. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, pages 9-12
    38. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, pages 4-7
    39. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, pages 17-20
    40. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 51, pages 4-9
    41. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 51, pages 20-21
    42. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 53, pages 24-25
    43. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, pages 3-5
    44. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, page 7
    45. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52 pages 9-12
    46. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 53, pages 24-32
    47. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 54, pages 3-4
    48. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 54, pages 7-15
    49. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 54, pages 15-31
    50. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 55, pages 10-15
    51. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 55, pages 16-17
    52. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 56, pages 14-19
    53. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 57, page 10
    54. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 58, pages 25-26
    55. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 58, pages 26-30
    56. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 64, page 20
    57. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 65, page 3
    58. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 65, pages 25-26
    59. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 65, page 31
    60. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 66, page 5
    61. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 66, pages 9-14
    62. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 66, page 15
    63. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 66, pages 18-22
    64. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 66, pages 36-37
    65. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 76, page 10
    66. "Kuroshitsuji" manga; Chapter 84, pages 38-39
    67. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 84, page 39
    68. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 85, page 12
    69. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 85, page 16
    70. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 85, page 35
    71. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 87, page 7
    72. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 87, page 13
    73. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 87, page 15
    74. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 88, page 16
    75. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 90, pages 20-21
    76. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 90, page 21
    77. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 90, page 25
    78. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 91, page 6
    79. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 91, page 8
    80. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 91, page 19
    81. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 91, page 20
    82. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 92, page 17
    83. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 92, page 18
    84. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 92, pages 19-24
    85. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 92, page 35
    86. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 93, pages 2-5
    87. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 93, page 17
    88. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 93, pages 22-24
    89. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 93, pages 27-32
    90. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 93, pages 33-34
    91. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 94, pages 2-5
    92. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 95, pages 24-29
    93. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 95, page 29-31
    94. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 96, page 7
    95. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 98, pages 19-22
    96. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 99, pages 22-23
    97. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 100, page 4
    98. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 100, pages 5-7
    99. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 101, pages 6-8
    100. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 101, pages 12-25
    101. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 102, pages 2-5
    102. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 102, pages 6-9
    103. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 103, pages 12-16
    104. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 103, pages 16-17
    105. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 103, pages 21-33
    106. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 105, pages 12-15
    107. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 107, pages 3-7
    108. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 107, page 16
    109. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 120, pages 11-14
    110. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 120, pages 14-18
    111. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 120, pages 22-24
    112. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 129, pages 15-16
    113. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 129, pages 25-27
    114. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 129, pages 27-38
    115. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 130, pages 4-20
    116. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 140, page 12
    117. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 18-20
    118. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 142, pages 14-16
    119. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 144, pages 4-7
    120. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 145, pages 9-12
    121. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 145, pages 22-24
    122. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 146, pages 4-22
    123. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 147, pages 4-12
    124. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 153, pages 14-18
    125. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 170, pages 4-11
    126. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 192, pages 8-15
    127. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 193, pages 2-18
    128. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 194, pages 2-14
    129. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 195, pages 2-10
    130. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 196, pages 2-17
    131. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 197, pages 2-14
    132. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 198, pages 2-13
    133. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 200, pages 15-20
    134. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 201, pages 2-3
    135. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 201, page 12
    136. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 202, pages 2-12
    137. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 203, pages 2-15
    138. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 204, pages 2-14
    139. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 205, pages 2-14
    140. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 206, pages 2-20
    141. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 207, pages 2-14
    142. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 208, pages 2-18
    143. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 209, pages 11-14
    144. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, page 10
    145. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, page 10
    146. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 56, page 19
    147. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 66, pages 21-22
    148. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 101, page 7
    149. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 205, page 9
    150. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 206, pages 2-7
    151. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 206, page 20
    152. "Finny is teaching Snake how to write. Snake is a bit older than him but I noticed that they are both in their late teens. Golden-haired and silver-haired.
      The literacy rate in Victorian era wasn't that high. As a footman though, Snake needs to learn how to write and read."
      (archived and translated by akumaddenglish)
    153. June 2015 Issue of Square Enix's GFantasy Magazine
    154. "I hope... [...] Snake: ...that the weather remains warm this year (written by Tanaka on Snake's behalf)."
      (archived and translated by akumadeenglish)
    155. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 51, page 10
    156. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 101, page 1
    157. Wikipedia:Kemble family
    158. Kuroshitsuji anime; Episode 39


    v · e · d
    Noah's Ark Circus
    v · e · d
    Phantomhive Household
    "Ciel Phantomhive"Funtom Music Hall
    v · e · d
    F.O.L. Orphanage