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Below is a list of Sieglinde Sullivan's inventions.

Image Description
Ch114 Sieglinde and her invention The Arachne Patousa (Spider Legs) is a set of large mechanical legs which Sieglinde uses to move around on her own. They can also handle rough terrain.[1]
Ch89 Hexenballon The Hexenballon (Witch Balloon) is an apparatus that Sieglinde used to navigate Emerald Castle on her own. It consists of a ring that can be wrapped around the torso and multiple balloons strapped to the ring.[2]
Ch122 Licht Stock and towel The Licht Stock (Light Stick) is a coloured stick that glows in the dark. The emblem of the Phantom Five is engraved on its handle.[3] It is one of the items Sieglinde created specifically for the Funtom Music Hall[4] where it is given out to the visitors right before a performance of the Phantom Five.[5]
The Magie Bühne (Magic Stage) is an invention Sieglinde created for the Funtom Music Hall. However, before she could present it to Ciel, the Phantom Five was put on hiatus.[6]
Ch108 SuLIN Sullivan Letzt Waffe Ideal Nebel (Sullivan Ultimate Weapon Perfect Fog), better known under its acronym SuLIN, is a toxic gas that Sieglinde developed believing it to be the "Ultimate Spell" that could save Wolfsschlucht from the werewolf's wrath.[7][8] It is the "most toxic gas ever known to man."[9] Due to its lethality, Sieglinde swore to take the formula for its creation to her grave,[10] and Sebastian safely disposed of all known samples in the depths of the sea.[11] He had also destroyed all documents describing the formula.[12]

The gas was named by the village crone. Before she settled on "SuLIN" as its acronym, she also considered "SLeINe."[13]

Ch122 Speakers The Stimme Schachtel (Voice Box) is a device that can amplify someone's voice. It can be connected to either a microphone[14] or a headset.[15] Sieglinde specifically created the Stimme Schachtel and its equipment for the Funtom Music Hall.[4]
Ch122 The Phantom Five's entrance The Vogel Wagen (Bird Carriage) was invented for the Funtom Music Hall.[4] It is used to allow the members of the Phantom Five to "fly" around the air during their performance.[16]



  1. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 114, page 14
  2. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 89, page 12
  3. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 122, pages 24-26
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 125, page 2
  5. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 122, page 6
  6. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 125, pages 2-3
  7. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 93, page 18
  8. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 96, pages 4-6
  9. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 97, page 23
  10. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 108, pages 13-14
  11. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 108, pages 16-17
  12. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 99, pages 18-21
  13. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 97, pages 23-24
  14. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 122, pages 13-14
  15. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 123, page 7
  16. Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 122, pages 9-11
  17. Wikipedia:Sarin
  18. "The Nazi origins of deadly nerve gases" — Chemical & Engineering News
  19. Wikipedia:Glow stick
  20. Wikipedia:Loudspeaker
  21. Wikipedia:Headphones
  22. Wikipedia:Microphone